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About Devin

I am a varsity athlete in swimming and soccer. I loved both sports, they both challenge my body in different ways. This is very good for me to stay in shape. I went to Washington DC for the March for Our Lives event. This was a very good experience to have and to stand up for what I believed in and not just be a by standard. Anyone can help it is just if you want to and thats what I found out when I went there. It was a fun and educational experience. If I have another opportunity to go to something like this again I will definitely go. I work at Manchester Pizza House, but I am soon going to work for Gnat so I can do what I wanted.  Maybe even start my own business for filming landscapes or videos for people on sports teams. I want to do something i love to do and filming and photography is it. I love my friends, they are great and I love to spend my time with them. They understand me and I understand them. Its just really fun to be with them.

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