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Interview 1


I really like editing. I like working on trying to get better because I know for a fact I'm not the best at editing. Also I have a hard time creating questions to ask when its rapid fire, but I know when it comes to actual interviews I will have more time to get to create questions. This is a skill I'll have to work at over time.  

You only made me do two interviews so I can get going on news and documentary films

Getting Interviewed

Getting interviewed is stressful because getting asked questions rapid fire is difficult. It is sometimes hard to think of things of answers. I do think my answers were good, I tried to make them as descriptive as possible so the film could have made a purpose and not just a bunch of small questions. I have gotten so much better at getting interviewed, I use to barely be able to be infront of the camera now it isn't hard at all for me.


Filming is probably the easiest thing to do out of all three. You really only have to set the camera up in the first place. Setting up the light is pretty hard because you have to make sure the lighting is correctly set so the video looks good and color corrected. 

Interview 2


This one was a better interview then the first one. We used the LAV mic and the Rogue mic instead of just the Rogue. So while interviewing I had to also focus on sound. I had headphones on so I would hear an eco from teddy just to know that the LAV mic was still working. The interview went really well and I thought my editing went really well for it having to be just a fast draft. I did learn to put a black screen if there are multiple photos in one so that you don't see the person in the background. I thought I did pretty well with this interview.

Getting Interviewed

I've gotten so much better at getting interviewed, I use to hate it but now I kind of like it and I won't complain if I have to get interviewed. It is still a little nerve racking because I hate how my voice sounds and I always think I'm going to mess up. Lately though I have been actually doing pretty well and getting a lot better at it. I felt more comfortable in front of the camera from just the first to second interview. 


This is still the easiest thing to do. I use the magnefine glass to focus on their eyebrow and then press it again after to see if it is focused and it was. That's really all you have to do and make sure the light is set up and looks good when the person sits down. I love filming so this is one of my favorite parts to do and just the satisfaction of knowing you had a great shot is the best feeling.

Documentary Review

Look Mom I Can Fly

-Travis Scott


I picked the new Travis Scott Documentary, Look Mom I Can FLy. This is such a great film it isn’t like most documentaries. This doesn’t have different people getting individually interviewed. This is a film about someone following his life and showing Travis’s different accomplishments. His name is Jacques (Jack) Webster. Travis Scott is his performance name but that is how everyone knows him. A lot of people don’t really know his real name unless you watch the documentary. A lot of the camera work is through it seems like a JVC because it has that blurry look and it something easy to carry around to get shots when they are unexpected. There are shots throughout the film are shot cinematically. The cameraman is part of Travis’s crew and follows through everything that he was going through in the last few years. He turned to have a great success. They don’t really show anything from before the film started to get made in 2014. He has changed a lot throughout the years. He started off just opening for big artists to having his own tours and having so many people at his shows. Watching the film one thing that is so shocking to watch is the crowd. He is so involved and caring with the crowd and no matter what he wants the outcome of his shows to have such an impact on his fans. After shows they have clips with the fans and what they say is really inspirational and shows how someone can make people feel great and feel like they are apart of the community. One kid said “It's like everyone is a family, they will pick you up if you fall down, its great.” It's also scary with the crowd because there are times that they even explain that the crowd is so compact that kids have a hard time to breath and they get knocked out and they crowd surf them out so they can get to the paramedics. They also have kids get injured very easily. The phrase they use that kids say are “I survived Travis.” The accomplishment meant that the film is about the making of his new album at the time Astroworld. The album was about it getting put together and how he owed it to his hometown. How he was trying to make it album of the year. There is so much to explain about the film and how much he actually did for his success. I recommend this to everyone who likes rap and even just wants to know the work you have to put in and that you can come from any background and become something that you want to be. This film was great and I’m so happy I watched it. He is one of my favorite artists at the moment, so being able to watch a documentary about his life was really great to watch. It was a great film and I was so happy to watch it.

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